Why Use MEAN Stack for Web & Mobile App Development Project?


Today, developing web applications in this digital age requires a reliable and reliable software stack. Modern developers can use advanced technologies to get faster and better results from their projects. Get in touch with the ios app development company in USA.   


Increasing the use of MEAN stack technology is one of the most important examples of this scenario. MEAN JS is used to build robust and scalable web applications. Let's find out what the MEAN stack framework is and how it works in your organisation. 


MEAN is an application written entirely in JavaScript technology. Modern MEAN testing frameworks such as MochaJS KarmaJS and JasmineJS make it easy to create a comprehensive test suite for your MEAN application. MEAN stack allows you to process your product with explicit attributes. You can revolutionise your data layers without worrying about migration.


Analysing factors of MEAN stack improvement



It is a tremendously used and traditional database control gadget that offers the NoSQL kind database. MongoDB is a pioneer in bringing the collection and documentation of the facts. It is implemented in era tasks for points garage and retrieval.


MongoDB makes it extra trustworthy to skip facts between server and client. It shops the critical facts units in binary JSON format. Furthermore, it gives higher accessibility, better performance, and scalability as a cross-platform database.



It is implemented synchronously with Node.js for the MEAN stack to manipulate the server-aspect JS response. ExpressJS assists internet builders in safeguarding and executing packages swifter. Express is the proper choice for your venture if you’re aspiring for quick loading packages.


Express gives functionalities for each single-web page and multi-web page internet package. It is stirred via way of the tremendously overall Ruby framework, Sinatra. Express caters to each internet and cellular package.



Angular.js is a famous JS era and unique front-give up framework for utility improvement tasks. Builders use it to craft brisk apps with modest maintenance.


Angular.js additionally assists in doing away with surplus code and easing complicated era stuff. It gives superior functionalities, which include two-manner facts binding. And it even works as a structural framework while implemented for dynamic internet packages.



It works successfully with Express to supply better gadget responses to cater for numerous personal requests. Node.js is implemented and works because the backbone of the framework withinside the MEAN stack venture structure. The well-prevalent server-aspect JavaScript runtime surroundings help the MEAN stack venture successfully.


The Node.js framework is primarily based on Google Chrome`s V8 engine. It is imaginative and lightweight because it uses a unique event-pushed and on-blocking off I/O model.


It is open and has the maximum full-size environment of available supply libraries, referred to as npm. It can correctly run JavaScript packages outside the browser and give cross-platform runtime surroundings.


How does the MEAN stack architecture work? 

The MEAN stack architecture works in five stages.  


Stage 1: Angular as a client-side language is paramount to meeting customer demands. 


Stage 2: Client requests are sent to NodeJS, the server-side JavaScript language.  


Stage 3: ExpressJS enters the process and makes a database request.  


Stage 4:  MongoDB then fetches the data and sends a response to ExpressJS.  


Stage 5: NodeJS returns the data to AngularJS and displays the result. Instead, ExpressJS gets the data back. 


When do you like the MEAN stack?  

MEAN.js helps you develop, test and deploy your app. MEAN Stack web development is used preferentially for building various applications, dynamic SPAs, social media apps, and multi-faceted technology projects.


Why Use the MEAN Stack for Web and Mobile App Development Projects?

Free and open-source stack 

The MEAN stack includes Express, Angular, MongoDB, and Node.js, all of which are free open source stacks. Stacks reduce development costs. In addition, their community offers ready-to-use boilerplate code that facilitates the development of incredible UIs. 


Based on Javascript 

All MEAN web development works and applies to the JavaScript language.  MVC architecture support tells the complete story of how JS is the foundation of MEAN.js. 


Easy to implement 

Based on JavaScript, it makes it easy to implement the MEAN stack. Developers can quickly implement MEAN stack applications using the JS platform. 


Has a broad skill base  

Get the best technology professionals with Angular, Node.js, and Express. MEAN stack developers have multitasking experience across a variety of technologies. 


Achieve a high level of performance 

The MEAN stack has powerful JavaScript technology to help you build innovative web applications. It provides a more platform-aware experience and includes web applications with native containers that improve performance levels. 


Effective prototyping skills 

Every company wants to prototype to test features and user requirements. In this scenario, most companies choose MVP. 


Cause low cost 

All companies want to maintain a fresh attitude. Therefore, low-cost application development is required. MEAN JS can help them become open source and free. A team of professional developers can enable MEAN stack development and reduce project costs. 


Improve developer capabilities 

The MEAN programming stack helps organisations enhance their developer skills. It's easy for organisations to adopt the latest approach through the MEAN stack. This helps build developers’ skills to create modern web apps using the MEAN stack. You can also use MEANJS to apply new and innovative techniques like agile. 


A common language of architecture 

There are several advantages to using a common language for complete app architecture.  JavaScript is the only common language throughout the MEAN stack. This allows you to manage your database, frontend, and backend seamlessly and with little effort. 


Technology stack suppleness  

MEAN JS gives you the flexibility to manage project development, testing, and deployment. It is incredibly flexible and can further assist you in processing user-generated data.


Comparison of MEAN stack and full-stack 

There is a big difference between  MEAN stack and full-stack development. Full-stack development includes various front-end and back-end frameworks. Therefore, you have to choose from different programming languages ​​such as PHP, JavaScript, Python, Java, .Net and so on. Contact for the best mobile app development services in USA


On the other hand, the MEAN stack relies solely on the JS programming language. Therefore, development is appropriately organised and competent without the involvement of other languages. 



MEAN stack technology is advancing day by day and is easy to use. The JS base provides sufficient benefits to enable the MEAN software stack. It includes technology stack control for building secure web applications and other business applications. Details on how to choose the right technology stack for your project 


Many are considering this control and applying MEAN stack development to technology projects. So don't miss the technology stack that will help you get a faster, safer and cheaper solution for your business! 


Code Craft Crew is a android app development company in USA of both MEAN stack and full-stack. A dedicated team addresses the needs of all standards and dedicated projects in web and app development. Contact us for today's MEAN stack development service!

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